Then you can set a link in text by just highlighting the appropriate text and clicking Insert > Hyperlink > Place in This Document and selecting the destination bookmark for that image link.I do have a question for the OP (DocHolliday2006): when you talk about linking TO the image, how exactly are you doing that? Using what functionality? Are you linking to the image, itself, or to its caption or Figure/etc., identifier? And are you planning on a way to get the user back to where they were, from the image?Īnd presumably you don't mean using the images AS (outbound internal or external) links, is that right?Ī last note, which slowsmile did not mention, for the love of your own sanity, do NOT EDIT in KindleCreate. To set a link to an image in Word just click on your image and set a bookmark using Insert > Bookmark. Although its true that you cannot create or edit links to images or endnotes in Kindle Create you can certainly create them in Word first then load your Word doc into Kindle Create and those internal links and endnotes should work without problems in your Kindle ebook. Then just load your Word doc into Kindle Create and they should work.

Then you can set a link in text by just highlighting the appropriate text and clicking Insert > Hyperlink > Place in This Document and selecting the destination bookmark for that image you're using Kindle Create, just create your links to images and create your endnotes in your Word doc. Although its true that you cannot create or edit links to images or endnotes in Kindle Create you can certainly create them in Word first then load your Word doc into Kindle Create and those internal links and endnotes should work without problems in your Kindle ebook.Īnd as for creating endnotes in Word - just create a footnote as you normally would in Word then, when you save it, select "Convert to endnote" in the dialog and your done. J.A.#2 slowsmile 11-02-2020, 01:00 you're using Kindle Create, just create your links to images and create your endnotes in your Word doc.Justine Musk: Writer, Thinker & Creative Badass.
virtualDavis on Free High-Resolution Photos.HarperCollins closes peer review site on RIP Authonomy.Start Fresh | 40x41: Midlife Mashups on Rabbit, Rabbit: Welcome to March.THE ART OF WALKING: LESSONS FROM MY UNCLE – The Concerned Canadian on What is a Flâneur?.Face-to-Face Flanerie « virtualDavis on What is a Flâneur?.I’ve previously posted elements of “Contours & Artifacts” in Choice (June 4, 2012) and Wonder (December That image above is one of the “picture poems” I included in 40×41: Midlife Crisis Postponed and it combines contour drawings that I made in 1994 during my final year in college with abstractions from photographs that I took in Peru in 2011.
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Image files –GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP– get automatically optimized for a PDA viewer.